Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Still waiting . . .

Well, I wish that I had some really big news for this post, but alas, still no baby. Instead, the only news I have is that I have become very proficient in staying busy and/or wasting time so as to try and calm my impatient attitude. I am doing all that I can to get things moving in the right direction . . . I took a nearly 2 hour long walk today, all the while sucking my thumb (do you think it really works?) I know that it definitely works to get people looking at you funny but as for inducing labor, I am not quite as sure . . . Tonight maybe I will try some spicy food and a good comedy. I am going to put every old wives tale to the test. Wish me luck.

In the mean time, I thought I would post some pictures of my new curtains and pillows that I made for our kitchen and living room. With careful attention, you could definitely notice that they were made by an amateur but for my first attempt I think they turned out pretty well. I especially love the brown fabric at the bottom of the drapes. It is some leftover fabric from a dress that my friend's mother had made for me when Joe and I visited Ghana several years ago. I love seeing it hanging as a reminder of the unique and amazing experiences that we had while we were there. Anyway, here are the pictures.

In other news, Joe and I purchased our dream stroller. We have been contemplating purchasing this stroller since I think before I even knew that I was pregnant. We will be trading rented movies, eating out, and basically anything else that is unnecessary and optional for an unspecified amount of time to pay for it, but I am so excited, and I think that it will be well worth it. The stroller is called the Cougar Chariot. It is uniquely amazing because it converts from running stroller, to biking trailer, to strolling stroller, to skiing stroller, to hiking/off road stroller; this stroller can do everything. It also has a special seat attachment that allows you to use it for a baby starting at 2-3 months. I can hardly wait to start running with my little munchkin; it sounds like sooo much fun. I am so excited to start running again, and having a good stroller will make such a big difference. I think that this stroller will give us the freedom to continue to do the things we want to do. Plus, it can be used with one or two children, so it should last us for a very long time. 

Now I just need a little baby to put in it :-)


Ben and Katie McKee said...

Hey Steffany!! I've heard that rubbing one of your calves in a certain area can induce labor. I had Ben try it when I was way pregnant with Emma, but I'm not sure it worked...I did have her 12 days early though. I'd say go for it! Happy nesting!! I'm so excited for you guys to become parents!

Rachel said...

Ha ha! I tried to start my own labor by walking (brisquely) a community 5K race, but to no avail. I still had to be induced in the hospital 2 days later.

Whatever you try, do NOT try caster oil (I've heard horror stories about that old wive's trick).

I LOVE having a jogging stroller! Going uphill is hard, but other than that, it's pretty doable to run with it. I'm going to run a 10K in 1 1/2 weeks! Enjoy your dream stroller (wow, I didn't know you could ski with a stroller!)

Meg said...

That stroller is sweet! I'll have to talk Nate into one of those when we start having kids. We miss you guys!

Whit said...

That is an AMAZING stroller!! I might have to sell a kidney so I can afford something like that when I'm in your shoes. :) Can't wait for your little babe to get here!!

P&C Dickson said...

i was JUST going to text you to see if you had a baby yet!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. It's because you're such a cute pregnant girl she just likes her little home in there. God luck!

Cathy said...

Tofer was two weeks late and even then, induced.

I do not wish that on you.

Hang in there.

Whit said...

I am dying to see pictures and hear about everything!! Congrats!!

q-bella said...

We are so excited about baby Maggie. Congrats!