Thursday, December 10, 2009


Well, I have to include my little baby updates. First of all, I have started feeling my little girl move around all the time. I am starting to get really attached to her; I think this whole pregnancy thing is actually starting to get fun (even though my running has all but turned to walking and now Joe is planning mountain biking trips and all I can do is pout.) I imagine that every time I feel her kick, she is saying "Hi mom. Don't forget I'm in here." One night she was especially energetic, and Joe could even feel her kicking around--sooo cool. We are so grateful for apparent good health so far. Also, I had another ultrasound done. This one they did to look in detail at her anatomy. They also did a portion of the ultrasound in 4D. I have never seen anything like it. The actual ultrasound looked like a little baby moving around, sculpted from golden clay. I decided I would include a copy of the pictures, even though they aren't very clear and my friend Jared said she looks like something from a horror movie (isn't that what you want to hear about your little girl?) Anyway, I think she is precious (but I guess that is my job, right?) p.s. it is her umbilical cord that you see by her neck and arm.

Also, for the masses of people screaming for belly pictures, here you go. My sister took these at Thanksgiving when I was not quite 20 weeks (which of course, was like a whole week and a half ago) and I am getting more rotund by the day.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Joe and I were able to spend Thanksgiving in Sacramento with Jenni, Dustin, and their family. We loved being able to get away from the traffic, people, and congestion in L.A. Jenni and Dustin live in a beautiful place. Unfortunately, I don't have most of the pictures of the trip, but we had a very peaceful, relaxing vacation. We went hiking a couple of time, rode horses, visited a salmon and trout hatchery, watched football, and just relaxed. It was so nice to get out of the city.

I have so many things to be thankful for; here is a list of just a few . . . Joe, good health, our coming baby, family, good friends, Joe's good job, living in the U.S.A. and our freedom, the church, the beautiful earth . . . this list could go on and on.