Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Still waiting . . .

Well, I wish that I had some really big news for this post, but alas, still no baby. Instead, the only news I have is that I have become very proficient in staying busy and/or wasting time so as to try and calm my impatient attitude. I am doing all that I can to get things moving in the right direction . . . I took a nearly 2 hour long walk today, all the while sucking my thumb (do you think it really works?) I know that it definitely works to get people looking at you funny but as for inducing labor, I am not quite as sure . . . Tonight maybe I will try some spicy food and a good comedy. I am going to put every old wives tale to the test. Wish me luck.

In the mean time, I thought I would post some pictures of my new curtains and pillows that I made for our kitchen and living room. With careful attention, you could definitely notice that they were made by an amateur but for my first attempt I think they turned out pretty well. I especially love the brown fabric at the bottom of the drapes. It is some leftover fabric from a dress that my friend's mother had made for me when Joe and I visited Ghana several years ago. I love seeing it hanging as a reminder of the unique and amazing experiences that we had while we were there. Anyway, here are the pictures.

In other news, Joe and I purchased our dream stroller. We have been contemplating purchasing this stroller since I think before I even knew that I was pregnant. We will be trading rented movies, eating out, and basically anything else that is unnecessary and optional for an unspecified amount of time to pay for it, but I am so excited, and I think that it will be well worth it. The stroller is called the Cougar Chariot. It is uniquely amazing because it converts from running stroller, to biking trailer, to strolling stroller, to skiing stroller, to hiking/off road stroller; this stroller can do everything. It also has a special seat attachment that allows you to use it for a baby starting at 2-3 months. I can hardly wait to start running with my little munchkin; it sounds like sooo much fun. I am so excited to start running again, and having a good stroller will make such a big difference. I think that this stroller will give us the freedom to continue to do the things we want to do. Plus, it can be used with one or two children, so it should last us for a very long time. 

Now I just need a little baby to put in it :-)

Friday, April 9, 2010


While it is hard to know how much my feelings come from actually living in Santa Monica, and how much they come from being sick, pregnant, and unemployed, today I am feeling very homesick. I miss my job with my sweet patients whom I learned to love and my amazing coworkers who I could talk with about everything, who brought me snacks to work to help with my ever constant pregnancy induced nausea and vomiting. I miss the mountains and changing seasons. I miss spending time with Joe (this week we are lucky to have an hour or two together before it is time for bed). I miss my friends. I miss living by family. I miss my super size washer and dryer that made life oh so easy. I miss living by the Provo River Parkway, where I could always go when I was feeling overwhelmed. I miss feeling like I have somewhere that I can go to escape the crowds of people. I am tired of dreading leaving my house to run errands because I don't want to deal with a. traffic b. parking and c. getting lost.

I was thinking about what Joe's mother Cathi has said, how every time she moves, she is so sad and it feels so hard to make the change, but how strange a thing it is, because the new place that you are heading soon becomes the place that you are sad to leave. My life is super good, I have met so many great people here in Santa Monica, and I really have nothing to be sad about, but for today, I am dreaming about home.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a week

Nothing is better than visitors! This last weekend Jenni, Dustin, and Lydia came down to Santa Monica to visit us. Lydia enjoyed her first trip to the beach, complete with time spent chilling in her sand crib. Joe and I enjoyed the company. I especially enjoyed having a distraction as this last month seems to be dragging more than a little bit. Distractions + more distractions = a happy Steffany :-)

The same day that Jenni and Dustin left, Joe's brother Tristan, his wife Amy, and their three kiddos came to stay with us for a couple more days. Even though it is a little hectic to have 4 adults and 3 kids in a two bedroom apartment, we loved having them! We spent more time at the beach; of course the kids don't care if it is dark or cold or if they are fully clothed . . . the water is irresistible! Amy helped me pick out fabric to make curtains for our apartment which will be my distraction for the next week.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who came to see us! Come back again sometime . . . Now I am just sitting on the couch eating bon bons (as Joseph and his father claim), trying to recover from yet another cold, and back to counting down the days . . .