My Sweet Little Winky,
You are now five months old and these months have gone by sooo fast. I am having so much fun being your mother. Because of you, I tell everyone I meet that motherhood is awesome. There is a rumor at our church that you might just be the best baby of all time (and I think it might actually be true). You smile and laugh so easily; you hardly ever cry. Yesterday I set you down to play with your toys. You didn't want me to set you down, but instead of crying you let out the quietest, sweetest little whimper just to let me know how you felt. Of course it melted my heart and I HAD to pick you back up. You love to play with your Daddy (he can make you smile and wiggle with excitement just by walking in the room). When he is in the room while you are eating, if he says ANYTHING you immediately stop eating and look around until you have found him and have made sure that he sees you too.
You are very talkative, and you especially love to practice making all kinds of funny noises. Your favorite sound to make right now is a grunting noise, making me constantly wonder if you are filling your diaper. You also LOVE sticking out your tongue. When you get tired you start yelling and kicking your legs because of course, you DON'T want to fall asleep. When I am burping you, you throw your arms out to the sides. It looks like you are getting ready to take off. You are learning new things everyday. You can roll from your tummy to your back, stick your toes in your mouth, and you are especially good at getting my hair into your mouth.
We love you so much! Thank you for being our little girl.