In the spirit of autumn, I took Maggie to a farm harvest festival where she got to explore a pumpkin patch, climb on a haystack, go on a wagon ride, see lots of animals, and her very favorite activity (naturally) . . . watching the animatronic chickens sing and clap their robotic beaks. She was pretty much in love with the chickens and kind of melted down when I dragged her away for the 3rd time.
On our way to the farm Maggie proved that she is a true L.A. girl. When we suddenly came upon a traffic jam, with a very concerned face, she pointed to the traffic and said, "Uh-oh."
"You can say that again," I thought.
Then, later in our drive, she did.
We came upon another traffic jam (we do live in L.A.), and again with a very serious face, she pointed to the traffic.
"Uh-oh," she said. You know you live in L.A. when your 18 month old knows a traffic jam when she sees one.
Also, the farm was nice :)
(And cheering for the chickens, of course)