Friday, April 9, 2010


While it is hard to know how much my feelings come from actually living in Santa Monica, and how much they come from being sick, pregnant, and unemployed, today I am feeling very homesick. I miss my job with my sweet patients whom I learned to love and my amazing coworkers who I could talk with about everything, who brought me snacks to work to help with my ever constant pregnancy induced nausea and vomiting. I miss the mountains and changing seasons. I miss spending time with Joe (this week we are lucky to have an hour or two together before it is time for bed). I miss my friends. I miss living by family. I miss my super size washer and dryer that made life oh so easy. I miss living by the Provo River Parkway, where I could always go when I was feeling overwhelmed. I miss feeling like I have somewhere that I can go to escape the crowds of people. I am tired of dreading leaving my house to run errands because I don't want to deal with a. traffic b. parking and c. getting lost.

I was thinking about what Joe's mother Cathi has said, how every time she moves, she is so sad and it feels so hard to make the change, but how strange a thing it is, because the new place that you are heading soon becomes the place that you are sad to leave. My life is super good, I have met so many great people here in Santa Monica, and I really have nothing to be sad about, but for today, I am dreaming about home.


KevandChels said...

I was just thinking on a similar vein yesterday. There were blossoms on the trees and that spring smell in the air and I got just a little bit of an ache in my heart because it reminded of this time last year when we had to leave st. louis. the funny thing is that the same thing happens to me in the fall, i get just a tad bit of a sick feeling in my stomach still when the leaves change, because over four years ago i was having SUCH a hard time adjusting to life there, being pregnant and feeling so alone at my new school while all my old friends were in nursing school, or even just at byu together. funny how life is. kevin and i have decided though that it takes a good 8-10 months to start to feel like a place is really yours and to really love it. hang in there! And know that people know how you feel!

Rachel said...

Yeah, I agree with Chelsey! I took probably a year or more to really start to feel comfy in Cincinnati. Now that Jesse is graduating and we are going to move to St. Louis for residency, I am sad to leave Cincy! I still have bouts of homesickness too, especially when it's a holiday like Christmas and we can't visit our family. But just knowing that I have grown to really love Cincy gives me hope that I will come to love our new home in St. Louis too. Hang in there. I know it's hard to move far away from home! (And being pregnant or with a new baby makes it even harder with so many new changes!)

Mark and Kyra Herbst said...

Hang in there Steph! It is so hard to be away from family and friends. Some days I just sit down and cry from homesickness. But I think that Cathi is right. As you make memories in the new place, it becomes sad to leave it. We're so excited for you to have that little bundle of joy!

P&C Dickson said...

this may not help but..we miss you too! in fact paul just said last night "i miss the webbs". don't even remember how it came up. but anyways, i bet having your little baby and bringing her home will make it feel more permanent. It's SO soon i can't wait!