Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a week

Nothing is better than visitors! This last weekend Jenni, Dustin, and Lydia came down to Santa Monica to visit us. Lydia enjoyed her first trip to the beach, complete with time spent chilling in her sand crib. Joe and I enjoyed the company. I especially enjoyed having a distraction as this last month seems to be dragging more than a little bit. Distractions + more distractions = a happy Steffany :-)

The same day that Jenni and Dustin left, Joe's brother Tristan, his wife Amy, and their three kiddos came to stay with us for a couple more days. Even though it is a little hectic to have 4 adults and 3 kids in a two bedroom apartment, we loved having them! We spent more time at the beach; of course the kids don't care if it is dark or cold or if they are fully clothed . . . the water is irresistible! Amy helped me pick out fabric to make curtains for our apartment which will be my distraction for the next week.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who came to see us! Come back again sometime . . . Now I am just sitting on the couch eating bon bons (as Joseph and his father claim), trying to recover from yet another cold, and back to counting down the days . . .

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I want to see pictures of your curtains! How'd they turn out?