Hi my crazy kid!
I am writing you this letter when you are 13 months old.
I can't believe it, but now a toddler, you are no longer a baby. You have grown up so much over the last couple of months. You are GREAT at walking! Sometimes you try to run (and usually turf it) which is why your little forehead is still constantly covered in bruises. You are also a little climber. You can make it up a step ladder or up your running stroller (as if it was a step ladder) in seconds. Yikes!
You are learning to communicate. You have been able to say "mama" and "dada" for sometime now, but you also just learned how to say "hi" and you are always quickly whip out this word whenever your daddy or I walk into the room. At church, stores, etc. you walk around saying "hi" to strangers as you pass by. My favorite though, is when you say "hi" to other babies; then you look at them expectantly; when they just stare at you, you stare back.
When you are hungry or thirsty you say "num num."
You have learned how to sign "more" and "all done." Sometimes you use these signs appropriately and it is helpful (and adorable) and sometimes you cycle through the signs so quickly (e.g. more all done more all done more all done) that you make me thoroughly confused (and you make me laugh). Sometime when you are really excited mix the sign for more in your cheering.
You try to say teeth--it comes off sounding something like "eeee." You also try to say "hot"(ot) and "uh oh" (o-o). I think you try to say a lot of other words that I am just not picking up on yet. Other times you chat on and on while looking at me intently as if I understand everything that you are saying. It sounds like you are talking in your own little alien baby language. You also learned how to imitate a monkey sound. At first you just used it for you little stuffed monkey; then you started using it forbirds; then for the cougar you saw on a camping trailer; then for dogs. Now you use it for anything you are excited to see (i.e. usually dogs and birds). You also imitate the noise that cars make; it's a scratchy gurgling noise in your throat. You get VERY excited whenever a motorcycle or bus pass by. You also notice every airplane that flies through the sky.
You have learned how to kick a ball--making your mommy and daddy very proud! You can also occasionally follow simple instructions and point to familiar objects when asked. You recently have decided that it is fun to try on mine and Joe's shoes and then try to walk; not very effective but very adorable. You LOVE eating anything that is nice and juicy (i.e. fruits and veggies).
You are starting to assert your independence and make your opinions and desires known (i.e. we are starting to see little temper tantrums); I love it that you are developing your own sense of self and your own personality; I don't love trying to put you in your car seat, but it is a small price to pay for getting the chance to be your mommy.
You are SO fun and funny. You make me laugh everyday.
I love you little cutie.

1 comment:
I can't believe she's 1 year+! She gets cuter and cuter!
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