Monday, July 9, 2012

This is what we do while we wait

This whole move has been surprisingly harder on me than I thought it would be. I am really enjoying soaking up a little last minute family time, both with Joe's family in Utah and now with my own family in IF as Joe makes the drive east, but I have cried much more than seems reasonable, especially considering how much I wasn't really excited to move to L.A. three years ago. I am hoping that I can contribute at least some of the tears to being 36 weeks pregnant, but as Cathi once said, it is funny how the place that you don't want to move to always seems to become the place that you don't want to leave. That is certainly how I feel about Santa Monica. I have been the most sad over the last week when Maggie has started crying and asking to go home. I feel bad taking my baby away from her home, which is funny since it won't take long for her to forget it completely. Maybe that is why it makes me so sad. Now, I am just hoping that NY quickly becomes the next place that I don't want to leave. Wish us luck in our new home.


Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

Oh I so relate to your post and it makes me feel teary as we will be leaving San Diego come December!! I will have a hard time, but I know Maggie and Jane will really be in for a shock when they can't choose between the beach and Sea World as a daily activity. They will be so sad. And oh the weather! But it is true, each new place has it's own adventure and it's own reasons to love. I'm sure you guys will fall in love with NY. I'm sad we never got our two Maggie's together and played at the beach. We're just lame like that. We are on the baby countdown with you, I'm 38+ weeks and very ready :) Wishing you the best as your pregnancy nears the end!