Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Maggie turned 4! (in April, and I am now writing about it)

Maggie, I love you dearly. We celebrated your birthday with a pinata at the park. This is what you most wanted to do for you birthday. You requested that your cake be strawberry pink (fresh strawberry frosting--yum!) with sprinkles, and you sprinkled it yourself. You also really, really wanted a training wheel bike. I loved going on rides with you on your new bike around our quiet Ithaca neighborhood. You are very sweet and strong willed. I think we say strong willed to describe children because we are trying to direct their will, but what I think strong willed really means is that you are strong. That is a very good thing to be. You are also very loving. You are the composer of many original songs. I hear a new one almost every day. Today you sang about Mister Potato Head. You love developing friendships and strike up conversations with strangers often (e.g. in the elevator, at stores, etc.). This year you attended and loved preschool and learned how to swim. You have been trying to learn how to skip and practicing for a few weeks, and I think you finally have it figured out. You love being outside, especially if sand and water are allowed. You love twirly dresses and princesses. You love to be silly. You love little Jackie-boy and we all love you.

Here are a few of your favorites (in your own words):

Favorite food: noodles
Favorite color: all the colors
Favorite toy: elephant (teeny beany from a kid's meal)
Favorite Show: a little bit of Frozen, Calliou, but I have lot's of shows that are my favorite, and the dragon one because it has some scary parts and I like all of them
Favorite outfit: go-up dresses and being a ballet. I just love to be ballerinas.
Favorite snack: apples and goldfishes
Favorite thing to eat for lunch: PB sandwich
Favorite game: Candyland and hide n seek cause I can hide, but I have lots of favorites of games
Favorite animal: dogs
Favorite song: Heavenly Father (A Child's Prayer) and I am a Child of God
Favorite book: princesses books
Best friend: Opal, Ethan, Stuart, Mrs. S. I have a lot of best friends
Favorite cereal: the cereal with cheerios and strawberries (Trader Joe's), oatmeal, raisin bran, oatmeal squares, I have a lot of favorite cereals
Favorite thing to do outside: play with my brother, like we can play tag and I like playing tag with my brother
Favorite drink: spicy drink and juice and water and milk
Favorite holiday: Easter and all kinds of ones because they give me all kinds of treats
What do you like to take to bed with you at night: stuffed animals and blankies
Favorite thing to eat for breakfast: oatmeal and cereal
Favorite treat: lollipops, suckers, and treats I give her
What do you want to be when you grow up?: a mom
Favorite flavor of ice cream: all kinds of flavors. I want to tell you four: blueberry, chocolate mint, white mint and strawberry mix
What do you want to do before your next birthday: go on a trip to see Jeff and Sam
Favorite sport: I have lots of them. How bout if I do 5? I like to dance, do workouts, play soccer, basketball, and I like to play softball. I like to do gymnastics.

1 comment:

Sam Manning said...

That Q and A was adorable. I hope Maggie can go on a trip to see Jeff and Sam before her next birthday too! We miss you guys! Hope Seattle is treating you well : )